ÿþ Aldo Malagoli 11-04-1935 SP Goalkeeper Clubs: Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1963 Total for club: 96 -139 Bangu RJ 1964 12 0 Bangu RJ 1965 1 0 Total for club: 13 0 Bragantino SP 1967 ;4C /Aldo Malagoli 11-04-1935 ! @0B0@L ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1963 A53> 70 :;C1: 96 -139 0=3C  1964 12 0 0=3C  1965 1 0 A53> 70 :;C1: 13 0 @030=B8=C ! 1967 Alfredo Ramos de Oliveira 27-10-1924 SP 177 cm 68 kg Left Defender Selection: 1953-1956 9 0 WC 1954, reserve Clubs: Juventus SP Santos F.C. 1945 Santos F.C. 1946 Santos F.C. 1947 Santos F.C. 1948 Santos F.C. 1949 Total for club: 262 ? Sao Paulo F.C. 1950 Sao Paulo F.C. 1951 Sao Paulo F.C. 1952 Sao Paulo F.C. 1953 Sao Paulo F.C. 1954 Sao Paulo F.C. 1955 Sao Paulo F.C. 1956 Sao Paulo F.C. 1957 Total for club: 315 3 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 33 1 Corinthians SP 1960 0 0 Corinthians SP 1961 0 0 Champion of paulista 1953 Coach ;D@54C 0<CA /Alfredo Ramos de Oliveira 27-10-1924 0:0@58 ! 177 A< 68 :3 0I8B=8: ;52K9 !1>@=0O: 1953-1956 9 0 ' 1954, @575@2 ;C1K: C25=BCA ! !0=BCA $.. 1945 !0=BCA $.. 1946 !0=BCA $.. 1947 !0=BCA $.. 1948 !0=BCA $.. 1949 A53> 70 :;C1: 262 ? !0=-0C;C $.. 1950 !0=-0C;C $.. 1951 !0=-0C;C $.. 1952 !0=-0C;C $.. 1953 !0=-0C;C $.. 1954 !0=-0C;C $.. 1955 !0=-0C;C $.. 1956 !0=-0C;C $.. 1957 A53> 70 :;C1: 315 3 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 33 1 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 0 0 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 0 0 '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1953 !B0@H89 1@0B 0C@C "@5=5@ Amorim, Sidney Rodrigues Amorim 04-09-1932 RJ Midfielder Clubs: Renascenca Atletico MG 1951 ? 1 Atletico MG 1952 ? 11 Atletico MG 1953 29 8 Atletico MG 1954 ? 10 Atletico MG 1955 ? 8 Atletico MG 1956 ? 10 Atletico MG 1957 ? 6 Atletico MG 1958 ? 6 Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 9 0 Atletico MG 1959 Total for club: 264 67 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Total for club: 44 3 Atletico PR 1968 <>@8= /Sidney Rodrigues Amorim 04-09-1932  >;C70I8B=8: ;C1K: 5=0A5=A0 B;5B8:C  1951 ? 1 B;5B8:C  1952 ? 11 B;5B8:C  1953 ? 9 B;5B8:C  1954 ? 10 B;5B8:C  1955 ? 8 B;5B8:C  1956 ? 10 B;5B8:C  1957 ? 6 B;5B8:C  1958 ? 6 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 9 0 B;5B8:C  1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 264 67 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 A53> 70 :;C1: 44 3 B;5B8:C   1968 Ary Clemente, Ary Paulino C. da Silva 07-01-1939 Araraquara, SP 180 cm 78 kg Left Defender Selection: 1961 1 0 Clubs: Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1962 Corinthians SP 1963 Corinthians SP 1964 Total for club: 293 0 Bangu RJ 1965 18 0 Bangu RJ 1966 32 0 Bangu RJ 1967 29 0 Bangu RJ 1968 16 0 Bangu RJ 1969 5 0 Total for club: 100 0 Champion of carioca 1966 @8 ;5<5=B8 /Ary Paulino Clemente da Silva 07-01-1939 @0@0:C0@0 ! 180 A< 78 :3 0I8B=8: ;52K9 !1>@=0O: 1961 1 0 ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1962 >@8=B80=A ! 1963 >@8=B80=A ! 1964 A53> 70 :;C1: 293 0 0=3C  1965 18 0 0=3C  1966 32 0 0=3C  1967 29 0 0=3C  1968 16 0 0=3C  1969 5 0 A53> 70 :;C1: 100 0 '5<?8>= :0@8>:0 1966 Benedito Mario Pinto Maranhao 11-02-1935 AL Midfielder Clubs: Sao Cristovao RJ Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1963 Total for club: 117 3 5=548BC /Benedito Mario Pinto Maranhao 11-02-1935 =0480  >;C70I8B=8: ;C1K: !0=-@8AB>20=  >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1963 A53> 70 :;C1: 117 3 Cabecao, Luiz Morais 23-08-1930 SP 178 cm 74 kg Goalkeeper Selection: 1954 WC 1954, reserve Clubs: Corinthians SP 1949 Corinthians SP 1950 Corinthians SP 1951 Corinthians SP 1952 Bangu RJ 1952 Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Bangu RJ 1954 6 0 Bangu RJ 1955 8 0 Total for club: 14 0 Portuguesa SP 1955 Portuguesa SP 1956 Portuguesa SP 1957 Portuguesa SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Comercial SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1963 Corinthians SP 1964 Corinthians SP 1965 Corinthians SP 1966 Total for club: 330 -419 Juventus SP 1967 Juventus SP 1968 Portuguesa Santista SP 1969 Champion of paulista 1951, 1952, 1954, tournament RJ-SP 1950, 1953, 1954, 1955 Coach 015A0= /Cabecao, Luiz Morais 23-08-1930 ! 178 A< 74 :3 @0B0@L !1>@=0O: 1954 ' 1954, @575@2 ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1949 >@8=B80=A ! 1950 >@8=B80=A ! 1951 >@8=B80=A ! 1952 0=3C  1952 >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 0=3C  1954 6 0 0=3C  1955 8 0 A53> 70 :;C1: 14 0 >@BC3570 ! 1955 >@BC3570 ! 1956 >@BC3570 ! 1957 >@BC3570 ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 ><5@A80; ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1963 >@8=B80=A ! 1964 >@8=B80=A ! 1965 >@8=B80=A ! 1966 A53> 70 :;C1: 330 -419 C25=BCA ! 1967 C25=BCA ! 1968 >@BC3570 !0=B8AB0 ! 1969 '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1951, 1952, 1954, BC@=8@0 -! 1950, 1953, 1954, 1955 "@5=5@ Edgar Defender Clubs: Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 1 0 -430@ /Edgar 0I8B=8: ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 1 0 Evanir de Souza 31-10-1938 Posso Alegre, MG Left Forward Clubs: Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Total for club: 24 1 Ponte Preta SP 1961 Prudentina SP 1963 Ferroviaria de Botucatu SP 1965 Ferroviaria de Botucatu SP 1966 -20=8@ /Evanir de Souza 31-10-1938 >7C ;53@8  0?040NI89 ;52K9 ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 A53> 70 :;C1: 24 1 >=B8 @5B0 ! 1961 @C45=B8=0 ! 1963 $5@@>280@8O ! 1965 $5@@>280@8O ! 1966 Falconi, Waldemar Olisio Falconi 25-04-1941 MG Goalkeeper Clubs: Corinthians SP 1959 jun. Corinthians SP 1960 jun. Corinthians SP 1961 jun. Corinthians SP 1961 jun. Nacional SP 1961 Nacional SP 1963 Nacional SP 1964 Nacional SP 1965 Nacional SP 1966 Nacional SP 1967 Nacional SP 1968 Nacional SP 1969 Nacional SP 1970 Millonarios SP 1971 Millonarios SP 1972 $0;:>=8 /Falconi, Waldemar Olisio Falconi 25-04-1941 >:CA 48 0;420  @0B0@L ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1959 N=. >@8=B80=A ! 1960 N=. >@8=B80=A ! 1961 N=. >@8=B80=A ! 1961 N=. 0A8>=0; ! 1961 0A8>=0; ! 1963 0A8>=0; ! 1964 0A8>=0; ! 1965 0A8>=0; ! 1966 0A8>=0; ! 1967 0A8>=0; ! 1968 0A8>=0; ! 1969 0A8>=0; ! 1970 8;L>=0@8>A ! 1971 8;L>=0@8>A ! 1972 Felicio Palermo 11-05-1940 Left Midfielder Clubs: Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Guarani SP 1961 Bragantino SP Corinthians SP 1963 Guarani SP 1963 Guarani SP 1964 Corinthians SP 1965 Total for club: 43 6 Ferroviaria SP 1966 Juventus SP 1966 Juventus SP 1967 Ferroviaria SP 1968 Bragantino SP 1969 Millionarios SP 1974 $5;8A8C /Felicio Palermo 11-05-1940 >;C70I8B=8: ;52K9 ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 C0@0=8 ! 1961 @030=B8=C ! >@8=B80=A ! 1963 C0@0=8 ! 1963 C0@0=8 ! 1964 >@8=B80=A ! 1965 A53> 70 :;C1: 43 6 $5@@>280@8O ! 1966 C25=BCA ! 1966 C25=BCA ! 1967 $5@@>280@8O ! 1968 @030=B8=C ! 1969 8;8>=0@8>A ! 1974 Gilmar dos Santos Neves 22-08-1930 Santos SP 180 cm 72 kg Goalkeeper Selection: 1953-1969 95 -97 WC 1958, 1 place, 6 -4 WC 1962, 1 place, 6 -5 WC 1966 2 -3 Clubs: Jabaquara SP 1949 Jabaquara SP 1950 Corinthians SP 1951 Corinthians SP 1952 Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Total for club: 398 -529 Santos F.C. 1962 Santos F.C. 1963 Santos F.C. 1964 Santos F.C. 1965 Santos F.C. 1966 Santos F.C. 1967 Santos F.C. 1968 Santos F.C. 1969 Total for club: 331 -412 Champion of paulista 1951, 1952, 1954, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, tournament RJ-SP 1953, 1954, 1963, 1964, 1966. Cup of Libertadores 1962, 1963, Intercontinental Cup 1962, 1963 Coach 8;<0@ /Gilmar dos Santos Neves 22-08-1930 !0=BCA ! 180 A< 72 :3 @0B0@L !1>@=0O: 1953-1969 95 -97 ' 1958, 1 <5AB>, 6 -4 ' 1962, 1 <5AB>, 6 -5 ' 1966 2 -3 ;C1K: 010:C0@0 ! 1949 010:C0@0 ! 1950 >@8=B80=A ! 1951 >@8=B80=A ! 1952 >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 A53> 70 :;C1: 398 -529 !0=BCA $.. 1962 !0=BCA $.. 1963 !0=BCA $.. 1964 !0=BCA $.. 1965 !0=BCA $.. 1966 !0=BCA $.. 1967 !0=BCA $.. 1968 !0=BCA $.. 1969 A53> 70 :;C1: 331 -412 '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1951, 1952, 1954, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, BC@=8@0 -! 1953, 1954, 1963, 1964, 1966. 1;040B5;L C1:0 815@B04>@5A 1962, 1963, 56:>=B8=5=B0;L=>3> C1:0 1962, 1963 CGH89 2@0B0@L 2 8AB>@88 1@078;LA:>3> DCB1>;0 "@5=5@ Goiano, Washington da Silva Guimaraes 02-02-1928 Rio Verde, GO  25-08-2003 192 cm Defender Clubs: Linense SP 1948 Linense SP 1949 Linense SP 1950 Linense SP 1951 Corinthians SP 1952 Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 300 22 Champion of paulista 1952, 1954; tournament RJ-SP 1953, 1954 >O=C /Goiano, Washington da Silva Guimaraes 02-02-1928 8C 5@48,  2508-2003 192 A< 0I8B=8: ;C1K: 8=5=A8 ! 1948 8=5=A8 ! 1949 8=5=A8 ! 1950 8=5=A8 ! 1951 >@8=B80=A ! 1952 >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 300 22 '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1952, 1954; BC@=8@0 -! 1953, 1954 48= A8;L=59H8E 70I8B=8:>2 2 8AB>@88 :;C10 ">@8=B80=A" Idario Sanches Peinado,  Deus da Raca 07-05-1927 SP  18-09-2009 Right Defender Clubs: Corinthians SP 1949 Corinthians SP 1950 Corinthians SP 1951 Corinthians SP 1952 Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 475 6 Nacional SP 1960 Nacional SP 1961 Champion of paulista 1951, 1952, 1954, tournament RJ-SP 1953, 1954 40@8C /Idario Sanches Peinado 07-05-1927 !  18-09-2009 0I8B=8: ?@02K9 ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1949 >@8=B80=A ! 1950 >@8=B80=A ! 1951 >@8=B80=A ! 1952 >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 475 6 0A8>=0; ! 1960 0A8>=0; ! 1961 '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1951, 1952, 1954, BC@=8@0 -! 1953, 1954 Joaozinho, Joao Bartolo Neto 01-03-1939 SP Midfielder Clubs: Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Total for club: 41 12 C0=78=LC /Joaozinho, Joao Bartolo Neto 01-03-1939 ! >;C70I8B=8: ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 A53> 70 :;C1: 41 12 Joaquinzinho, Joaquim Gilberto da Silva 31-12-1934 Pelotas RS 172 cm 68 kg Midfielder Selection: 1963 Clubs: Brasil de Pelotas RS 1954 Brasil de Pelotas RS 1955 Brasil de Pelotas RS 1956 Brasil de Pelotas RS 1957 Total for club: 110 49 Internacional RS 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Total for club: 108 48 Juventus SP 1961 Fluminense RJ 1963 22 10 Fluminense RJ 1964 ? 6 Fluminense RJ 1965 Fluminense RJ 1966 Total for club: 124 44 Ponte Preta SP XV de Piracicaba SP Brasil de Pelotas RS 1969 Champion of carioca 1964 C0:8=78=LC / Joaquim Gilberto da Silva 31-12-1934 5;>B0A ! 172 A< 68 :3 >;C70I8B=8: !1>@=0O: 1963 ;C1K: @078; ! 1954 @078; ! 1955 @078; ! 1956 @078; ! 1957 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 A53> 70 :;C1: 108 48 C25=BCA ! 1961 $;C<8=5=A8  1963 22 10 $;C<8=5=A8  1964 ? 6 $;C<8=5=A8  1965 $;C<8=5=A8  1966 A53> 70 :;C1: 124 44 >=B8 @5B0 ! XV 45 8@0A8:010 ! @078; ! 1969 '5<?8>= :0@8>:0 1964 Luizinho Pequeno Polegar 07-03-1930 SP - 17-01-1998 SP 167 cm 58 kg Forward Selection: 1955-57 11 1 Clubs: Corinthians SP 1948 Corinthians SP 1949 Corinthians SP 1950 Corinthians SP 1951 Corinthians SP 1952 Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Juventus SP 1961 Juventus SP 1963 Corinthians SP 1964 Corinthians SP 1965 Corinthians SP 1966 Corinthians SP 1967 Corinthians SP 1996 Total for club: 606 (589) 172 Juventus SP 1968 Juventus SP 1969 Champion of paulista 1951, 1952, 1954, tournament RJ-SP 1950, 1953, 1954, 1966 C878=LC /Luizinho Pequeno Polegar 07-03-1930 ! - 17-01-1998 ! 167 A< 58 :3 0?040NI89 !1>@=0O: 1955-57 11 1 ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1948 >@8=B80=A ! 1949 >@8=B80=A ! 1950 >@8=B80=A ! 1951 >@8=B80=A ! 1952 >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 C25=BCA ! 1961 C25=BCA ! 1963 >@8=B80=A ! 1964 >@8=B80=A ! 1965 >@8=B80=A ! 1966 >@8=B80=A ! 1967 >@8=B80=A ! 1996 A53> 70 :;C1: 606 (589) 172 C25=BCA ! 1968 C25=BCA ! 1969 '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1951, 1952, 1954, BC@=8@0 -! 1950, 1953, 1954, 1966 '@572KG09=> 1KAB@K9 8 ?>4286=K9 DCB1>;8AB Miranda, Armando Miranda 12-12-1939 SP 182 cm 83 kg Left Forward Clubs: Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Total for club: 77 25 Flamengo RJ 1962 25 9 Taubate SP 1961? Juventus Italy 1962-63 17 12 Catania Italy 1963-64 10 1 Junior Barranquilla Colombia 1968 8@0=40 /Miranda, Armando Miranda 12-12-1939 ! 182 A< 83 :3 0?040NI89 ;52K9 ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 A53> 70 :;C1: 77 25 $;0<5=3C  1962 25 9 "0C10B8 ! 1961? .25=BCA B0;8O 1962-63 17 12 0B0=8O B0;8O 1963-64 10 1 %C=8>@ 0@@0=:8;LO >;C<18O 1968 Odecio Bortoletto 03-12-1938 Defender Clubs: Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Total for club: 7 0 45A8C /Odecio Bortoletto 03-12-1958 0I8B=8: ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 A53> 70 :;C1: 7 0 Olavo Martins de Oliveira 09-11-1927 Santos, SP - 12-04-2004 Defender Selection: 1955-1957 4 0 Clubs: Portuguesa Santista SP 1950 Portuguesa Santista SP 1951 Santos F.C. 1951 Corinthians SP 1952 Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Total for club: 514 17 Santos F.C. 1961 Santos F.C. 1962 Santos F.C. 1963 Nautico PE 1964 Santos F.C. 1965 Santos F.C. 1966 Total for club: 155 ? Champion of paulista 1952, tournament RJ-SP 1953, 1954, 1963, 1966. Cup of Libertadores 1962, Intercontinental Cup 1962, 1963, Cup of Brazil 1962 ;02C /Olavo Martins de Oliveira 09-11-1927 !0=BCA ! - 12-04-2004 0I8B=8: !1>@=0O: 1955-1957 4 0 ;C1K: >@BC3570 !0=B8AB0 ! 1950 >@BC3570 !0=B8AB0 ! 1951 !0=BCA $.. 1951 >@8=B80=A ! 1952 >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 A53> 70 :;C1: 514 17 !0=BCA $.. 1961 !0=BCA $.. 1962 !0=BCA $.. 1963 0CB8:C  1964 !0=BCA $.. 1965 !0=BCA $.. 1966 A53> 70 :;C1: 155 ? '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1952, BC@=8@0 -! 1953, 1954, 1963, 1966. 1;040B5;L C1:0 815@B04>@5A 56:>=B8=5=B0;L=>3> C1:0 1962, 1963, C1:0 @078;88 1962 AB8==K9 1>5F =0 ?>;5, ?@>D5AA8>=0; Oreco, Waldemar Rodrigues Martins 13-06-1932 Santa Maria, RS - 03-04-1985 175 cm 72 kg Left Defender Selection: 1956-1961 5 0 WC 1958, 1 place, reserve Clubs: Inter Santa Maria RS 1949 Internacional RS 1950 Internacional RS 1951 Internacional RS 1952 Internacional RS 1953 Internacional RS 1954 Internacional RS 1955 Internacional RS 1956 Internacional RS 1957 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1963 Corinthians SP 1964 Corinthians SP 1965 Total for club: 404 3 Millonarios Colombia 1966 Millonarios Colombia 1967 Toluca Mexico 1967 Toluca Mexico 1968 Dallas Tornado USA 1969 17 0 Dallas Tornado USA 1970 16 0 Dallas Tornado USA 1971 5 0 Champion of gaucho 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, PAG 1956, Colombia 1966, USA 1971 @5:C /Oreco, Waldemar Rodrigues Martins 13-06-1932 !0=B0-0@8O ! - 03-04-1985 175 A< 72 :3 0I8B=8: ;52K9 !1>@=0O: 1956-1961 5 0 ' 1958, 1 <5AB>, @575@2 ;C1K: =B5@ !0=B0-0@8O ! 1949 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1950 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1951 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1952 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1953 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1954 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1955 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1956 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1963 >@8=B80=A ! 1964 >@8=B80=A ! 1965 A53> 70 :;C1: 404 3 8;L>=0@8>A >;C<18O 1966 8;L>=0@8>A >;C<18O 1967 ">;C:0 5:A8:0 1967 ">;C:0 5:A8:0 1968 0;;0A ">@=04> !( 1969 17 0 0;;0A ">@=04> !( 1970 16 0 0;;0A ">@=04> !( 1971 5 0 '5<?8>= 30CHC 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1955,  1956, >;C<188 1966, !( 1971. 48= 87 ;CGH89 DCB1>;8AB>2 2 8AB>@88 "=B5@=0A8>=0;0" ! Parobe, Joao Mallmen 13-09-1938 Guapore, RS Left Forward Clubs: Forca e Luz RS Gremio RS Echertito SP Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 3 0 Juventus SP San Lorenzo Argentina 1962 8 0 Flamengo RJ 1965 2 0 Internacional RS 1965 Juventude RS 1965 Comerciano SC Palmeiras SC 1971 Palmeiras SC 1972 0@>15 /Parobe, Joao Mallmen 13-09-1938 ! 0?040NI89 ;52K9 ;C1K: $>@A0 8 CA ! @5<8C ! -H5@A8BC ! >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 3 0 C25=BCA ! !0=->@5=A> @35=B8=0 1962 8 0 $;0<5=3C  1965 2 0 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1965 ><5@A80=C ! 0;<59@0A ! 1971 0;<59@0A ! 1972 Paulo Pisaneschi 01-11-1930 SP  19-04-1980 175 cm 70 kg Forward Selection: 1959 4 3 Clubs: Nacional SP Corinthians SP 1951 Corinthians SP 1952 Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 258 149 Nautico PE 1959 Nautico PE 1960 Ponte Preta SP 1960 Ponte Preta SP 1961 Ponte Preta SP 1962 Nacional SP 1962 Nacional SP 1963 Nacional SP 1964 Nacional SP 1965 Independiente Santa Fe Colombia 1964 Sao Carlos SP 1965 Sao Carlos SP 1966 Champion of paulista 1954, Winner of tournament RJ-SP 1954 0C;C /Paulo Pisaneschi 01-11-1930 !  19-04-1980 175 A< 70 :3 0?040NI89 !1>@=0O: 1959 4 3 ;C1K: 0A8>=0; ! >@8=B80=A ! 1951 >@8=B80=A ! 1952 >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 258 149 0CB8:C  1959 0CB8:C  1960 >=B8 @5B0 ! 1960 >=B8 @5B0 ! 1961 >=B8 @5B0 ! 1962 0A8>=0; ! 1962 0A8>=0; ! 1963 0A8>=0; ! 1964 =45?5=4L5=B5 !0=B0-$5 >;C<18O 1964 !0=-0@;CA ! 1965 !0=-0@;CA ! 1966 '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1954, ?>1548B5;L BC@=8@0 -! 1954. B<5==K5 D878G5A:85 40==K5 Rafael Chiarella Neto 17-01-1935 SP - 27-10-1980 Midfielder Clubs: Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Juventus SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1962 Corinthians SP 1963 Total for club: 451 111 (456 113) Champion of paulista 1954 0D0M; /Rafael Chiarella Neto 17-01-1935 ! - 27-10-1980 >;C70I8B=8: ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 C25=BCA ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1962 >@8=B80=A ! 1963 A53> 70 :;C1: 451 111 (456 113) '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1954 Roberto Belangero 28-06-1928 SP - 30-10-1996 Midfielder Selection: 1955-1958 16 0 Clubs: Corinthians SP 1947 Corinthians SP 1948 Corinthians SP 1949 Corinthians SP 1950 Corinthians SP 1951 Corinthians SP 1952 Corinthians SP 1953 Corinthians SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Total for club: 453 22 Newell's Old Boys Argentina 1960 Newell's Old Boys Argentina 1961 Newell's Old Boys Argentina 1962 Newell's Old Boys Argentina 1963 ? Champion of paulista 1951, 1952, 1954, tournament RJ-SP 1950, 1953, 1954 Coach >15@BC 5;0=65@C /Roberto Belangero 28-06-1928 ! - 30-10-1996 >;C70I8B=8: !1>@=0O: 1955-1958 16 0 ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1947 >@8=B80=A ! 1948 >@8=B80=A ! 1949 >@8=B80=A ! 1950 >@8=B80=A ! 1951 >@8=B80=A ! 1952 >@8=B80=A ! 1953 >@8=B80=A ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 A53> 70 :;C1: 453 22 LNM;;'7 ;4 >97 @35=B8=0 1960 LNM;;'7 ;4 >97 @35=B8=0 1961 LNM;;'7 ;4 >97 @35=B8=0 1962 LNM;;'7 ;4 >97 @35=B8=0 1963 ? '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1951, 1952, 1954, BC@=8@0 -! 1950, 1953, 1954 "@5=5@ Roberto Bataglia, R. Ludovico Bataglia 10-11-1940 SP - 08-09-2002 168 cm 60 kg Forward Clubs: Guarani SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Guarani SP 1960 Guarani SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Juventus Italy 1962-63 0 0 Catania Italy 1962-63 11 0 Catania Italy 1963-64 15 4 Atlanta Italy 1964-65 6 0 Corinthians SP 1965 Corinthians SP 1966 Corinthians SP 1967 Corinthians SP 1968 Total for club: 243 51 America RJ 1969 America RJ 1970 America RJ 1971 Winner of tournament RJ-SP 1966 >15@BC 0B0;LO /Roberto Ludovico Bataglia 10-11-1940 ! - 08-09-2002 168 A< 60 :3 0?040NI89 ;C1K: C0@0=8 ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 C0@0=8 ! 1960 C0@0=8 ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 .25=BCA B0;8O 1962-63 0 0 0B0=8O B0;8O 1962-63 11 0 0B0=8O B0;8O 1963-64 15 4 B0;0=B0 B0;8O 1964-65 6 0 >@8=B80=A ! 1965 >@8=B80=A ! 1966 >@8=B80=A ! 1967 >@8=B80=A ! 1968 A53> 70 :;C1: 243 51 <5@8:0  1969 <5@8:0  1970 <5@8:0  1971 >1548B5;L BC@=8@0 -! 1966 KAB@K9, ;>2:89 :@09=89 D>@20@4 Tarica, Luiz Fernando Abelim 30-06-1961 Santa Maria RS Forward Selection: 1956 (PAG) Clubs: Internacional RS 1948 Internacional RS 1949 Internacional RS 1950 Internacional RS 1951 Ipiranga RS 1952 Ipiranga RS 1953 Ipiranga RS 1954 Ipiranga RS 1955 Ipiranga RS 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Inter Santa Maria RS 1960 Inter Santa Maria RS 1961 Caxias RS 1961 Flamengo RS 1962 Flamengo RS 1963 "0@8:0 /Tarica, Luiz Fernando Abelim 30-06-1961 !0=B0-0@8O ! 0?040NI89 !1>@=0O: 1956 () ;C1K: =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1948 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1949 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1950 =B5@=0A8>=0; ! 1951 ?8@0=30 ! 1952 ?8@0=30 ! 1953 ?8@0=30 ! 1954 ?8@0=30 ! 1955 ?8@0=30 ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 =B5@ !0=B0-0@8O ! 1960 =B5@ !0=B0-0@8O ! 1961 $;0<5=3C ! 1962 $;0<5=3C ! 1963 Tite, Augusto Vieira de Oliveira 04-05-1930 Campos, RJ -26-08-2004 Forward Selection: 1957 3 1 Clubs: Goytacaz RJ 1947 Goytacaz RJ 1948 Goytacaz RJ 1949 Fluminense RJ 1950 Fluminense RJ 1951 Total for club: 36 13 Santos F.C. 1951 Santos F.C. 1952 Santos F.C. 1953 Santos F.C. 1954 Santos F.C. 1955 Santos F.C. 1956 ? 17 Santos F.C. 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 94 30 Santos F.C. 1959 Santos F.C. 1960 Santos F.C. 1961 Santos F.C. 1962 Santos F.C. 1963 Santos F.C. 1964 Total for club: 475 151 Champion of paulista 1955, 1956, 1960, 1961, tournament RJ-SP 1959 Cup of Brazil 1962 "8B8 /Tite, Augusto Vieira de Oliveira 04-05-1930 0<?CA  - 26-08-2004 0?040NI89 !1>@=0O: 1957 3 1 ;C1K: >8B0:0A  $;C<8=5=A8  1950 $;C<8=5=A8  1951 A53> 70 :;C1: 36 13 !0=BCA $.. 1951 !0=BCA $.. 1952 !0=BCA $.. 1953 !0=BCA $.. 1954 !0=BCA $.. 1955 !0=BCA $.. 1956 ? 17 !0=BCA $.. 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 94 30 !0=BCA $.. 1959 !0=BCA $.. 1960 !0=BCA $.. 1961 !0=BCA $.. 1962 !0=BCA $.. 1963 A53> 70 :;C1: 475 151 '5<?8>= ?0C;8AB0 1955, 1956, 1960, 1961, BC@=8@0 -! 1959 1;040B5;L C1:0 @078;88 1962 Valmir de Freitas 01-10-1933 Porto Alegre RS Midfielder Clubs: Corinthians SP 1954 Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1961 Corinthians SP 1963 Total for club: 315 3 0;<8@ /Valmir de Freitas 01-10-1933 >@BC-;53@8 ! >;C70I8B=8: ;C1K: >@8=B80=A ! 1954 >@8=B80=A ! 1955 >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 >@8=B80=A ! 1963 A53> 70 :;C1: 315 3 Zague, Jose Alves dos Santos 10-08-1934 Salvador BA Central Forward Clubs: Botafogo BA 1952 Botafogo BA 1953 Botafogo BA 1954 Botafogo BA 1955 Botafogo BA 1956 Corinthians SP 1956 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Corinthians SP 1960 Corinthians SP 1961 Total for club: 240 127 Santos F.C. 1961 America Mexico 1961-62 America Mexico 1962-63 America Mexico 1963-64 America Mexico 1964-65 America Mexico 1965-66 29 20 America Mexico 1966-67 America Mexico 1967-68 America Mexico 1968-69 Total for club: ? 103 Veracruz Mexico 1970-71 035 /Zague, O Jose Alves dos Santos 10-08-1934 !0;204>@  0?040NI89 F5=B@0;L=K9 ;C1K: >B0D>3C  >@8=B80=A ! 1956 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@8=B80=A ! 1959 >@8=B80=A ! 1960 >@8=B80=A ! 1961 A53> 70 :;C1: 240 127 <5@8:0 5:A8:0 1961-62 <5@8:0 5:A8:0 1962-63 <5@8:0 5:A8:0 1963-64 <5@8:0 5:A8:0 1964-65 <5@8:0 5:A8:0 1965-66 29 20 <5@8:0 5:A8:0 1966-67 <5@8:0 5:A8:0 1967-67 A53> 70 :;C1: ? 103 3> AK= CA?5H=> 2KABC?0; 70 A1>@=CN 5:A8:8 Zeze, Jose Ambrosio 08-12-1935 Cambuquira, MG - 2005 Right Forward Clubs: Corinthians SP 1955 Corinthians SP 1956 Botafogo SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 92 27 Corinthians Pr.Prudente SP 1960 575 / Jose Ambrosio 08-12-1935 0<1C:8@0  - 2005 0?040NI89 ?@02K9 Zezinho, Moises Ferreira Alves 02-06-1930 Vitoria, ES  02-06-1980 Forward Selection: 1956 3 1 Clubs: Vitoria ES 1946 Rio Branco ES 1947 Botafogo RJ 1948 1 0 Botafogo RJ 1949 Botafogo RJ 1950 Botafogo RJ 1951 Botafogo RJ 1952 17 16 (49 41) Botafogo RJ 1953 Botafogo RJ 1954 Total for club: 173 110 Flamengo RJ 1954 21 7 Flamengo RJ 1955 1 0 Total for club: 22 7 Sao Paulo F.C. 1956 ? 16(18) Sao Paulo F.C. 1957 Total for club: 82 66 Corinthians SP 1957 Corinthians SP 1958 Portuguesa SP 1958? Corinthians SP 1959 Total for club: 24 7 Santos F.C. 1960 America SP 1961 Santa Cruz PE 1961 Santa Cruz PE 1962 Rio Branco ES 1966 Rio Branco ES 1967 Champion of carioca 1948 578=LC /Zezinho, Moises Ferreira Alves 02-06-1930 8B>@8O -!  02-06-1980 0?040NI89 !1>@=0O: 1956 3 1 ;C1K: >B0D>3C  1948 1 0 >B0D>3C  1949 >B0D>3C  1950 >B0D>3C  1951 >B0D>3C  1952 17 16 (49 41) >B0D>3C  1953 >B0D>3C  1954 A53> 70 :;C1: 173 110 $;0<5=3C  1954 21 7 $;0<5=3C  1955 1 0 A53> 70 :;C1: 22 7 !0=-0C;C $.. 1956 ? 16(18) !0=-0C;C $.. 1957 A53> 70 :;C1: 82 66 >@8=B80=A ! 1957 >@8=B80=A ! 1958 >@BC3570 ! 1958? >@8=B80=A ! 1959 A53> 70 :;C1: 24 7 '5<?8>= :0@8>:0 1948